Every NTD CEMC pre Compliant compact test chamber is a bespoke customised design with the aim to meet and exceed each individual customers specific requirements ensuring they capture all current and future testing needs and requirements.

NTD has over 25+ years specialist industry knowledge and this experience coupled with our in-house 3D solid works design modelling packages and High-performance RF shielding systems NTD S100 or X100 results in NTD being able to design every Test Chamber to exacting customers bespoke customised requirements. The NTD design team will aim to maximise all space available enabling NTD to provide a compact EMC chamber that provides the highest possible performance and test distance with results that are both accurate and consistent.

Every NTD CEMC chamber is independently tested by a UKAS ISO 17025 approved and certified test body allowing the customer 100% assurance that their Compact EMC chamber has been designed built and tested to the highest independent standards.


(click on images to enlarge)

From RF shielded cameras and monitoring systems, AC/DC single and 3 phase high powered and low powered electrical outlets, turntables/MAPS systems, air conditioning and fibre/media data conversions, each test chamber is fully customisable with the NTD range of accessories and test equipment. NTD provides full warranties, documentation and after-sales support as well as unparalleled customer support throughout the entire project duration.

Using an NTD pre-compliant test chamber gives all NTD customers a very dependable and trustworthy indication that their product/products should pass once submitted for final approval.

This above offers a long term and affordable way of designing products that will meet EMC radiated emission and immunity standards without continuous use of external test labs. This can save time, money and reduce or eliminate project delays due to failures and re-tests.

NTD Shielding Services NTD CEMC COMPACT EMC CHAMBERS A4 Download datasheet NTD Shielding Services NTD CEMC COMPACT EMC CHAMBERS A4 Download datasheet | Enquire about this product/service

For additional product information and pricing please contact NTD sales office


+ 44 (0) 1744 757 277

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